The Original Selfie Museum & the Blue Dress

As much as Melissa and Rochelle love to travel to faraway places together, they also enjoy exploring closer to home. Recently their destination of choice was the Original Selfie Museum in Seattle, where the iconic Blue Dress naturally accompanied them. 

Rochelle looked into reservations for the museum online and the ticket options were either for a one hour time slot, or for all day access to the space. It was unanimously agreed upon that an hour would not be enough time, so they opted for the full day access. To say that was the right choice was an understatement. You see, Rochelle decided that they should pop by the library in Downtown Seattle to take a few photos before the Original Selfie Museum opened. Rochelle had thoroughly underestimated how much of an architectural gem the library is, and the fact that they would take significantly more time exploring said alluring spaces and taking photos throughout the exploration than anticipated. 

After wrapping up at the library, a quick lunch was grabbed before heading to the Original Selfie Museum, where they spent hours—literally, four hours. 

Most of the other museum guests had their smartphones and were playfully going from background to background, and then there were Melissa and Rochelle… armed with a new-to-Rochelle DSLR, four lenses, a tripod, extra shoes, insufficient snacks, and a mission to get photos on all of the backgrounds at the Original Selfie Museum. They systematically worked their way through taking Blue Dress photos on over twenty backgrounds. This background with magenta paint spatters and wings was the very first one they took photos on, and set the tone for a fun, albeit fast-paced, foray into the Selfie Museum. 

Rochelle would have been quite content to stick within the role of being the photographer, but Melissa insisted that they actually take *selfies* at the Selfie Museum. Who even does that? 


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